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Building a bridge between patients and transplant healthcare professionals – a descriptive study. Nichon Jansen, Hannah Maple, Anna Forsberg, Fiona Loud, Lone McColaugh, Mark Murphy, Juan Fuertes, Daniel Gallego, David Paredes, for ESOT Learning Workstream of the TLJ (Transplantation Learning Journey) project. Transpl Int. 2021 Nov;34(11):2098-2105. doi: 10.1111/tri.14111. 

External Validation of the DCD-N Score and a Linear Prediction Model to Identify Potential Candidates for Organ Donation After Circulatory Death: A Nationwide Multicenter Cohort Study. Nijhoff MF, Pol RA, Volbeda M, Kotsopoulos AMM, Sonneveld JPC, Otterspoor L, Abdo WF, Silderhuis VM, El Moumni M, Moers C. Transplantation. 2021 Jun 1;105(6):1311-1316. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000003430.

Outcomes of corneal transplantation in Europe: report by the European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry. Dunker SL, Armitage WJ, Armitage M, Brocato L, Figueiredo FC, Heemskerk MBA, Hjortdal J, Jones GLA, Konijn C, Nuijts RMMA, Lundström M, Dickman MM. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2021 Jun 1;47(6):780-785. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000520.

Practice patterns of corneal transplantation in Europe: first report by the European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry. Dunker SL, Armitage WJ, Armitage M, Brocato L, Figueiredo FC, Heemskerk MBA, Hjortdal J, Jones GLA, Konijn C, Nuijts RMMA, Lundström M, Dickman MM. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2021 Jul 1;47(7):865-869. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000574.

Donor type and 3-month hospital readmission following kidney transplantation: results from the Netherlands organ transplant registry. Wang Y, Heemskerk MBA, Michels WM, de Vries APJ, Dekker FW, Meuleman Y. BMC Nephrol. 2021 Apr 27;22(1):155. doi: 10.1186/s12882-021-02363-5.

Data and optimisation requirements for Kidney Exchange Programs. Smeulders B, Pettersson W, Viana A, Andersson T, Bolotinha C, Chromy P, Gentile M, Hadaya K, Hemke A, Klimentova X, Kuypers D, Manlove D, Robb M, Slavcev A, Tubertini P, Valentin MO, van de Klundert J, Ferrari P. Health Informatics J. 2021 Apr-Jun;27(2):14604582211009918. doi: 10.1177/14604582211009918.

Waiting List Dynamics and Lung Transplantation Outcomes After Introduction of the Lung Allocation Score in The Netherlands. Hoffman TW, Hemke AC, Zanen P, Luijk B, Hoek RAS, Verschuuren EAM, van Kessel DA. Transplant Direct. 2021 Sep 7;7(10):e760. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001205. eCollection 2021 Oct.

Access of non-residents to transplantation of deceased donor organs: practices and strategies in the European setting. Pérez-Blanco A, López-Fraga M, Forsythe J, Pires Silva AM, Cardillo M, Novotná P, Tullius SG, Cozzi E, Ashkenazi T, Delmonico FL, Domínguez-Gil B; Council of Europe European Committee on Organ Transplantation (CD-P-TO), Brix-Zuleger M, Colenbie L, Tsoneva D, Bušić M, Nicolaos M, Adamec M, Makisalo H, Arrabal S, Pérel Y, Cantrelle C, Legeai C, Rahmel A, Menoudakou G, Sándor M, Lavee J, Bellis L, Ciaccio P, Gembutiene V, Abela C, Codrenau I, Kaminski A, Kratka M, Avsec D, Alvarez M, Carmona M, Beyeler F, Thaqi A, Haase B, Ünsal İ, Gardiner D, McGowan O, Branger P, Ericzon BG, Birrell L.Transpl Int. 2021 Nov;34(11):2112-2121. doi: 10.1111/tri.14113. Epub 2021 Oct 20.

Post mortem tissue donation in the Netherlands: a nationwide approach. van Leiden HA, Erkamp B, van Eechoud R, Kishoendajal D, Mensink JW. Cell Tissue Bank. 2021 Jun;22(2):185-190. doi: 10.1007/s10561-020-09846-z.


Immediate impact of COVID-19 on transplant activity in the Netherlands. de Vries APJ, Alwayn IPJ, Hoek RAS, van den Berg AP, Ultee FCW, Vogelaar SM, Haase-Kromwijk BJJM, Heemskerk MBA, Hemke AC, Nijboer WN, Schaefer BS, Kuiper MA, de Jonge J, van der Kaaij NP, Reinders MEJ. Transpl Immunol. 2020 Aug;61:101304. doi: 10.1016/j.trim.2020.101304.

Determining the impact of timing and of clinical factors during end-of-life decision-making in potential controlled donation after circulatory death donors. Kotsopoulos AM, Jansen NE, Vos P, Witjes M, Volbeda M, Epker JL, Sonneveld HPC, Simons KS, Bronkhorst EM, van der Hoeven HG, Abdo WF. Am J Transplant. 2020 Dec;20(12):3574-3581. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16104.

Prediction Model for Timing of Death in Potential Donors After Circulatory Death (DCD III): Protocol for a Multicenter Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Kotsopoulos AMM, Vos P, Jansen NE, Bronkhorst EM, van der Hoeven JG, Abdo WF. JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Jun 23;9(6):e16733. doi: 10.2196/16733.

Prediction models for delayed graft function: external validation on The Dutch Prospective Renal Transplantation Registry. Kers J, Peters-Sengers H, Heemskerk MBA, Berger SP, Betjes MGH, van Zuilen AD, Hilbrands LB, de Fijter JW, Nurmohamed AS, Christiaans MH, Homan van der Heide JJ, Debray TPA, Bemelman FJ. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Jul 1;35(7):1277. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfy353.

Family overrule of registered refusal to donate organs. Shaw D, Lewis P, Jansen N, Samuel U, Wind T, Georgieva D, Haase B, Ploeg R, Gardiner D. J Intensive Care Soc. 2020 May;21(2):179-182. doi: 10.1177/1751143719846416.

Donation after circulatory death today: an updated overview of the European landscape. Lomero M, Gardiner D, Coll E, Haase-Kromwijk B, Procaccio F, Immer F, Gabbasova L, Antoine C, Jushinskis J, Lynch N, Foss S, Bolotinha C, Ashkenazi T, Colenbie L, Zuckermann A, Adamec M, Czerwiński J, Karčiauskaitė S, Ström H, López-Fraga M, Dominguez-Gil B; European Committee on Organ Transplantation of the Council of Europe (CD-P-TO). Transpl Int. 2020 Jan;33(1):76-88. doi: 10.1111/tri.13506.

Appointing nurses trained in organ donation to improve family consent rates. Witjes M, Jansen NE, van Dongen J, Herold IHF, Otterspoor L, Haase-Kromwijk BJJM, van der Hoeven JG, Abdo WF. Nurs Crit Care. 2020 Sep;25(5):299-304. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12462.

The Association Between Macroscopic Arteriosclerosis of the Renal Artery, Microscopic Arteriosclerosis, Organ Discard, and Kidney Transplant Outcome. Keijbeck A, Veenstra R, Pol RA, Konijn C, Jansen N, van Goor H, Hoitsma AJ, Peutz-Kootstra CJ, Moers C. Transplantation. 2020 Dec;104(12):2567-2574. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000003189.

Development and external validation study combining existing models and recent data into an up-to-date prediction model for evaluating kidneys from older deceased donors for transplantation. Ramspek CL, El Moumni M, Wali E, Heemskerk MBA, Pol RA, Crop MJ, Jansen NE, Hoitsma A, Dekker FW, van Diepen M, Moers C. Kidney Int. 2021 Jun;99(6):1459-1469. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.11.016. Epub 2020 Dec 16.

Determining the impact of timing and of clinical factors during end-of-life decision-making in potential controlled donation after circulatory death donors. Kotsopoulos AM, Jansen NE, Vos P, Witjes M, Volbeda M, Epker JL, Sonneveld HPC, Simons KS, Bronkhorst EM, van der Hoeven HG, Abdo WF. Am J Transplant. 2020 Dec;20(12):3574-3581. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16104.

Superior Long-term Survival for Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation as Renal Replacement Therapy: 30-Year Follow-up of a Nationwide Cohort. Esmeijer K, Hoogeveen EK, van den Boog PJM, Konijn C, Mallat MJK, Baranski AG, Dekkers OM, de Fijter JW; Dutch Transplant Centers; Dutch Kidney Transplant Centres. Diabetes Care. 2020 Feb;43(2):321-328. doi: 10.2337/dc19-1580.

A nationwide evaluation of deceased donor kidney transplantation indicates detrimental consequences of early graft loss. de Kok MJ, Schaapherder AF, Mensink JW, de Vries AP, Reinders ME, Konijn C, Bemelman FJ, van de Wetering J, van Zuilen AD, Christiaans MH, Baas MC, Nurmohamed AS, Berger SP, Ploeg RJ, Alwayn IP, Lindeman JH. Kidney Int. 2020 Jun;97(6):1243-1252. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.01.043.

Reply to: Balancing Cost and Efficiency in Screening Potential Organ Donors With Whole Body CT. Mensink JW, Pol RA, Nijboer WN, de Vries KM, Alwayn IPJ, Braat AE. Transplant Direct. 2020 Oct 23;6(11):e623. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001070.


When circulatory death does not come in time in potential organ donors. Kotsopoulos A, Jansen N, Abdo WF. Crit Care. 2019 May 2;23(1):154. doi: 10.1186/s13054-019-2443-4.PMID: 31046818. 

Risk analysis of extended pancreas donor selection criteria. Mensink JW, de Vries KM, Huurman VAL, Pol RA, Alwayn IPJ, Braat AE. Pancreatology. 2019 Oct;19(7):994-999. doi: 10.1016/j.pan.2019.08.010.

The Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Approach for Potential Organ Donors in the Emergency Department. Witjes M, Kotsopoulos AMM, Otterspoor L, Herold IHF, Simons KS, Woittiez K, Eijkenboom JJA, van der Hoeven JG, Jansen NE, Farid Abdo W. Transplantation. 2019 Nov;103(11):2359-2365. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002701.PMID: 30893291.

Impact of Cold Ischemia Time on Outcomes of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation: An Analysis of a National Registry. Peters-Sengers H, Houtzager JHE, Idu MM, Heemskerk MBA, van Heurn ELW, Homan van der Heide JJ, Kers J, Berger SP, van Gulik TM, Bemelman FJ. Transplant Direct. 2019 Apr 25;5(5):e448. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000000888. eCollection 2019 May.

Building Kidney Exchange Programmes in Europe-An Overview of Exchange Practice and Activities. Biró P, Haase-Kromwijk B, Andersson T, Ásgeirsson EI, Baltesová T, Boletis I, Bolotinha C, Bond G, Böhmig G, Burnapp L, Cechlárová K, Di Ciaccio P, Fronek J, Hadaya K, Hemke A, Jacquelinet C, Johnson R, Kieszek R, Kuypers DR, Leishman R, Macher MA, Manlove D, Menoudakou G, Salonen M, Smeulders B, Sparacino V, Spieksma FCR, Valentín MO, Wilson N, van der Klundert J; ENCKEP COST Action. Transplantation. 2019 Jul;103(7):1514-1522. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002432.

Interventions aimed at healthcare professionals to increase the number of organ donors: a systematic review. Witjes M, Jansen NE, van der Hoeven JG, Abdo WF. Crit Care. 2019 Jun 20;23(1):227. doi: 10.1186/s13054-019-2509-3.

Physician Experiences with Communicating Organ Donation with the Relatives: A Dutch Nationwide Evaluation on Factors that Influence Consent Rates. Witjes M, Kruijff PEV, Haase-Kromwijk BJJM, van der Hoeven JG, Jansen NE, Abdo WF.Neurocrit Care. 2019 Oct;31(2):357-364. doi: 10.1007/s12028-019-00678-8.

Whole Body CT Imaging in Deceased Donor Screening for Malignancies. Mensink JW, Pol RA, Nijboer WN, Erasmus ME, de Jonge J, de Vries KM, van der Jagt MF, van der Kaaij NP, van de Poll MCG, Alwayn IPJ, Braat AE. Transplant Direct. 2019 Nov 15;5(12):e509. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000000953.


Kers J, Peters-Sengers H., Heemskerk M.B.A., Berger S.P., Betjes M.G.H., van Zuilen A.D., Hilbrands L.B., de Fijter J.W., Nurmohamed A.S., Christiaans M.H., Homan van der Heide J.J., Debray T.P.A., Bemelman F.J. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
Predicition models for delayed graft function: external validation on The Dutch Prospective Renal Transplantation Registry. 
2018 Jul 1;33(7):1259-1268. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfy019.

Hemke A.C., Heemskerk M.B.A., van Diepen M., Kramer A., de Meester J., Heaf J.G., Abad Diez J.M., Torres Guinea M., Finne P., Brunet P., Vikse B.E., Caskey F.J., Traynor J.P., Massy Z.A., Couchoud C., Groothoff J.W., Nordio M., Jager K.J., Dekker F.W., Hoitsma A.J. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
Performance of an easy-to-use prediction model for renal patient survival: an external validation study using data from the ERA-EDTA Registry.
2018 Oct 1;33(10):1786-1793. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx348.

Peters-Sengers H., Houtzager J.H.E., Heemskerk M.B.A., Idu M.M., Minnee R.C., Klaasen R.W., Joor S.E., Hagenaars J.A.M., Rebers P.M., van der Heide J.J.H., Roodnat J.I., Bemelman F.J. Am JTransplant.
DCD donor hemodynamics as predictor of outcome after kidney transplantation.
2018 18:1966-1976. 

Peters-Sengers H., Heemskerk M.B.A., Geskus R.B., Kers J., Homan van der Heide J.J., Berger S.P., Bemelman F.J. Transplantation.
Validation of the Prognostic Kidney Donor Risk Index Scoring System of Deceased Donors for Renal Transplantation in the Netherlands.
2018 Jan;102(1):162-170. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001889.

Biró P., Haase-Kromwijk B., Andersson T., Ásgeirsson E.I., Baltesová T., Boletis I., Bolotinha C., Bond G., Böhmig G., Burnapp L., Cechlárová K., Di Ciaccio P., Fronek J., Hadaya K., Hemke A., Jacquelinet C., Johnson R., Kieszek R., Kuypers D., Leishman R., Macher M.A., Manlove D., Menoudakou G., Salonen M., Smeulders B., Sparacino V., Spieksma F., de la Oliva Valentín Muñoz M., Wilson N., V.d. Klundert J.; ENCKEP COST Action. Transplantation. 
Building Kidney Exchange Programmes in Europe - An Overview of Exchange Practice and Activities.
2018 Sep 21. doi: 10.1097/ TP.0000000000002432.

Jager K.J., Stel V.S., Branger P., Guijt M., Busic M., Dragovic M., Diekmann F., Manyalich M., Di Ciaccio P., Nanni Costa A., Collett D., Mumford L., Haase B., Hemke A., Deme O., Mihály S., Murphy M., Couchoud C., Massy Z., Lingemann M., Rahmel A. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
The effect of differing kidney disease treatment modalities and organ donation and transplantation practices on health expenditure and patient outcomes.
2018 Apr 1;33(4):560-562. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx082. 

Michielsen L.A., van Zuilen A.D., Verhaar M.C., Wisse B.W., Kamburova E.G., Joosten I., Allebes W.A., van der Meer A., Baas M.C., Spierings E., Hack C.E., van Reekum F.E., Bots M.L., Drop A.C.A.D., Plaisier L., Seelen M.A.J., Sanders J.F., Hepkema B.G., Lambeck A.J., Bungener L.B., Roozendaal C., Tilanus M.G.J., Voorter C.E., Wieten L., van Duijnhoven E.M., Gelens M.A.C.J., Christiaans M.H.L., van Ittersum F.J., Nurmohamed S.A., Lardy N.M., Swelsen W., van der Pant K.A., van der Weerd N.C., Ten Berge I.J.M., Bemelman F.J., Hoitsma A., van der Boog P.J.M., de Fijter J.W., Betjes M.G.H., Heidt S., Roelen D.L., Claas F.H., Otten H.G., Hilbrands L.B. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
Effect of initial immunosuppression on long-term kidney transplant outcome in immunological low-risk patients.
2018 Dec 15. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfy377.

Michielsen L.A., Wisse B.W., Kamburova E.G., Verhaar M.C., Joosten I., Allebes W.A., van der Meer A., Hilbrands L.B., Baas M.C., Spierings E., Hack C.E., van Reekum F.E., Bots M.L., Drop A.C.A.D., Plaisier L., Seelen M.A.J., Sanders J.F., Hepkema B.G., Lambeck A.J., Bungener L.B., Roozendaal C., Tilanus M.G.J., Voorter C.E., Wieten L., van Duijnhoven E.M., Gelens M., Christiaans M.H.L., van Ittersum F.J., Nurmohamed S.A., Lardy N.M., Swelsen W., van der Pant K.A., van der Weerd N.C., Ten Berge I.J.M., Bemelman F.J., Hoitsma A., van der Boog P.J.M., de Fijter J.W., Betjes M.G.H., Heidt S., Roelen D.L., Claas F.H., Otten H.G., van Zuilen A.D. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
A paired kidney analysis on the impact of pre-transplant anti-HLA antibodies on graft survival.
2018 Oct 25. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfy316. 

Wisse B.W., Kamburova E.G., Joosten I., Allebes W.A., van der Meer A., Hilbrands L.B., Baas M.C., Spierings E., Hack C.E., van Reekum F.E., van Zuilen A.D., Verhaar M.C., Bots M.L., Drop A.C.A.D., Plaisier L., Seelen M.A.J., Sanders J.S., Hepkema B.G., Lambeck A.J.A., Bungener L.B., Roozendaal C., Tilanus M.G.J., Voorter C.E., Wieten L., van Duijnhoven E.M., Gelens M.A.C.J., Christiaans M.H.L., van Ittersum F.J., Nurmohamed S.A., Lardy J.N.M., Swelsen W., van der Pant K.A.M.I., van der Weerd N.C., Ten Berge I.J.M., Bemelman F.J., Hoitsma A.J., van der Boog P.J.M., de Fijter J.W., Betjes M.G.H., Heidt S., Roelen D.L., Claas F.H., Otten H.G.
Toward a sensible single antigen bead cut-off based on kidney graft survival. 
Transplantation. 2018 Aug 13. doi: 10.1097/TP.

Kamburova E.G., Wisse B.W., Joosten I., Allebes W.A., van der Meer A., Hilbrands L.B., Baas M.C., Spierings E., Hack C.E., van Reekum F.E., van Zuilen A.D., Verhaar M.C., Bots M.L., Drop A.C.A.D., Plaisier L., Seelen M.A.J., Sanders J.S., Hepkema B.G., Lambeck A.J.A., Bungener L.B., Roozendaal C., Tilanus M.G.J., Voorter C.E., Wieten L., van Duijnhoven E.M., Gelens M.A.C.J., Christiaans M.H.L., van Ittersum F.J., Nurmohamed S.A., Lardy N.M., Swelsen W., van der Pant K.A.M.I., van der Weerd N.C., Ten Berge I.J.M., Bemelman F.J., Hoitsma A.J., van der Boog P.J.M., de Fijter J.W., Betjes M.G.H., Heidt S., Roelen D.L., Claas F.H., Otten H.G.. J Am Soc Nephrol. 
Pretransplant C3d-Fixing Donor-Specifc Anti-HLA Antibodies Are Not Associated with Increased Risk for Kidney Graft Failure.
2018 Sep;29(9):2279-2285. doi: 10.1681/ ASN.2018020205. Epub 2018 Jul 26. 

Geneugelijk K., Niemann M., Drylewicz J., van Zuilen A.D., Joosten I., Allebes W.A., van der Meer A., Hilbrands L.B., Baas M.C., Hack C.E., van Reekum F.E., Verhaar M.C., Kamburova E.G., Bots M.L., Seelen M.A.J., Sanders J.S., Hepkema B.G., Lambeck A.J., Bungener L.B., Roozendaal C., Tilanus M.G.J., Vanderlocht J., Voorter C.E., Wieten L., van Duijnhoven E.M., Gelens M., Christiaans M.H.L., van Ittersum F.J., Nurmohamed A., Lardy J.N.M., Swelsen W., van der Pant K.A., van der Weerd N.C., Ten Berge I.J.M., Bemelman F.J., Hoitsma A., van der Boog P.J.M., de Fijter J.W., Betjes M.G.H., Heidt S., Roelen D.L., Claas F.H., Otten H.G., Spierings E. Front Immunol.
PIRCHE-II Is Related to Graft Failure after Kidney Transplantation.
2018 Mar 5;9:321. doi: 10.3389/fmmu.2018.00321. 

Pippias M., Jager K.J., Caskey F., Casula A., Erlandsson H., Finne P., Heaf J., Heinze G., Hoitsma A., Kramar R., Lempinen M., Magaz A., Midtvedt K., Mumford L.L., Pascual J., Prütz K.G., Sørensen S.S., Traynor J.P., Massy Z.A., Ravanan R., Stel V.S. Transpl Int.
Kidney transplant outcomes from older deceased donors: a paired kidney analysis by the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry. 
2018 Jul;31(7):708-719. doi: 10.1111/tri.13103. Epub 2017 Dec 21. 

Kotsopoulos A.M.M., Böing-Messing F., Jansen N.E., Vos P., Abdo W.F. Am J Transplant.
External validation of prediction models for time to death in potential donors after circulatory death.
2018 Apr;18(4):890-896. doi: 10.1111/ ajt.14529. Epub 2017 Nov 16. Erratum in:Am J Transplant. 2018 Jun;18(6):1580. 

Ismail S.Y., Kums E., Mahmood S.K., Hoitsma A.J., Jansen N.E.
Increasing Consent and Assent Rate for Organ and Tissue Donation: Communication About Donation-Telephone Advice by Psychologist. Transplant Proc.
2018;50(10):3017-3024.doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2018.06.048. Epub 2018 Jul 4. 

Vorstius Kruijff P.E.,Witjes M., Jansen N.E., Slappendel R. Transplant Proc.
Barriers to Registration in the National Donor Registry in Nations Using the Opt-In System: A Review of the Literature.
2018;50(10):2997-3009. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2018.01.054.

Shaw D., Gardiner D., Lewis P., Jansen N., Wind T., Samuel U., Georgieva D., Ploeg R., Broderick A. J Intensive Care Soc.
Conscientious objection to deceased organ donation by healthcare professionals.
2018 Feb;19(1):43-47. doi: 10.1177/1751143717731230. Epub 2017 Sep 14. 

Shaw D., Gardiner D., Lewis P., Jansen N., Wind T., Samuel U., Georgieva D., Ploeg R., Broderick A. J Intensive Care Soc.
Conscientious objection to organ donation: Authors’ reply.
2018 Nov;19(4):NP5-NP6. doi: 10.1177/1751143718777168. Epub 2018 May 28.

Madelon Tieleman, Aad P. van den Berg, Bart van Hoek, Wojciech G. Polak, Jeroen Dubbeld, Robert J. Porte, Cynthia Konijn, Robert A. de Man, Bettina E. Hansen en Herold J. Metselaar.
‘Komt mijn nieuwe lever wel op tijd?’ Overlevingskansen van patiënten op de wachtlijst voor levertransplantatie.
NTvG maart 2018. 

Bolt SH, Witjes M, van den Ende B. Omega (Westport).
Restless Feelings: Desiring Direct Contact After Postmortem Organ Donation.
2018 Sep 14:30222818800207. doi: 10.1177/0030222818800207


Haase-Kromwijk B.J., Heemskerk M.B., Weimar W., Berger S.P., Hoitsma A.J.
Wachtlijstregistratie niertransplantatie moet beter
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2017; 161(0): D812

Peters-Sengers H., Berger S.P., Heemskerk M.B., Al Arashi D., Homan van der Heide J.J., Hemke A.C., Ten Berge I.J., Idu M.M., Betjes M.G., Van Zuilen A.D., Hilbrands L.B., de Vries A.P., Nurmohamed A.S., Christiaans M.H., Ernest van Heurn L.W., de Fijter J.W., Bemelman F.J.
Stretching the Limits of Renal Transplantation in Elderly Recipients of Grafts from Elderly Deceased Donors
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017; 28(2): 621-631

Van Walraven S.M., Brand A., Bakker J.N., Heemskerk M.B., Nillesen S., Bierings M.B., Bungener L.B., Hepkema B.G., Lankester A., Van der Meer A., Sintnicolaas K., Somers J.A., Spierings E., Tilanus M.G., Voorter C.E., Cornelissen J.J., Oudshoorn M.
The increase of the global donor inventory is of limited benefit to patients of non-Northwestern European descent
Haematologica. 2017; 102(1): 176-183

Peters-Sengers H., Homan van der Heide J.J., Heemskerk M.B.A., Ten Berge I.J.M., Ultee F.C.W., Idu M.M., Betjes M.G.H., Van Zuilen A.D., Christiaans M.H.L., Hilbrands L.H., De Vries A.P.J., Nurmohamed A.S., Berger S.P., Bemelman F.J.
Similar 5-Year Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Between Kidney Transplants From Uncontrolled and Controlled Donors After Circulatory Death-A Dutch Cohort Study
Transplantation. 2017; 101(6): 1144-1151

Dobrowolski L.C., Van Huis M., Van der Lee J.H., Peters Sengers H., Liliën M.R., Cransberg K., Cornelissen M., Bouts A.H., de Fijter J.W., Berger S.P., Van Zuilen A., Nurmohamed S.A., Betjes M.H.G., Hilbrands L., Hoitsma A.J., Bemelman F.J., Paul Krediet C.T., Groothoff J.W.
Epidemiology and management of hypertension in paediatric and young  adult kidney transplant recipients in The Netherlands
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2017 Feb 1; 32 (2): 402

Pippias M., Jager K.J., Caskey F., Casula A., Erlandsson H., Finne P., Heaf J., Heinze G., Hoitsma A., Kramar R., Lempinen M., Magaz A., Midtvedt K., Mumford L.L., Pascual J., Prütz K.G., Sørensen S.S., Traynor J.P., Massy Z.A., Ravanan R., Stel V.S.
Kidney transplant outcomes from older deceased donors: a paired kidney analysis by the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry
Transpl Int. 2017 Dec 5

Van Ittersum F.J., Hemke A.C., Dekker F.W., Hilbrands L.B., Christiaans M.H., Roodnat J.I., Hoitsma A.J., Van Diepen M. 
Increased risk of graft failure and mortality in Dutch recipients receiving an expanded criteria donor kidney transplant
Transpl Int. 2017 Jan; 30 (1): 14-28

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European Vignettes in Donation After Circulatory Death 
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Shaw D., Georgieva D., Haase B., Gardiner D., Lewis P., Jansen N., Wind T., Samuel U., McDonald M., Ploeg R.; ELPAT Working Group on Deceased Donation 
Family Over Rules? In Ethical Analysis of Allowing Families to Overrule Donation Intentions
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Shaw D., Gardiner D., Lewis P., Jansen N., Wind T., Samuel U., Georgieva D., Ploeg R., Broderick A.
Conscientious objection to deceased organ donation by healthcare professionals
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Abdominal organ procurement in the Netherlands - an analysis of quality and clinical impact
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Abdominal organ procurement in the Netherlands – An analysis of quality and clinical impact
Transp Int 2016

Van Leiden H., Haase-Kromwijk B., Hoitsma A., Jansen N.
Controlled donation after circulatory death in the Netherlands: more organs, more efforts
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Vorstius Kruijff P.E., Huisman-Ebskamp M.W., de Vos M.L., Jansen N.E., Slappendel R.
Video-Based E-Learning in Communication Skills for Physicians Provides Higher Agreement to Tissue Donation
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Shaw D., Georgieva D., Haase B., Gardiner D., Lewis P., Jansen N.E., Wind T., Samuel U., McDonald M., Ploeg R.; ELPAT Working Group on Deceased Donation
Family Over Rules?: An ethical analysis of allowing families to overrule donation intentions
Transplantation. 2016 Oct 19

Peters-Sengers H., Berger S.P., Heemskerk M.B., Al Arashi D., Homan van der Heide J.J., Hemke A.C., Ten Berge I.J., Idu M.M., Betjes M.G., van Zuilen A.D., Hilbrands L.B., de Vries A.P., Nurmohamed A.S., Christiaans M.H., Ernest van Heurn L.W., de Fijter J.W., Bemelman F.J.
Stretching the Limits of Renal Transplantation in Elderly Recipients of Grafts from Elderly Deceased Donors
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Peters-Sengers H., Berger S.P., Heemskerk M.B.A., al Arashi D., Homan van der Heide J.J., Hemke A.C., ten Berge I.J.M., Idu M.M., Betjes M.G.H., Van Zuilen A.D., Hilbrands L.H., de Vries A.P.J., Nurmohamed A.S., Christiaans M.H.L., van Heurn L.W.E., de Fijter J.W., Bemelman F.J.
Hebben we de grens bereikt? Niertransplantaties bij oudere ontvangers van oudere, overleden donoren.
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Peters-Sengers H., Homan van der Heide J.J., Heemskerk M.B., Ten Berge I.J., Ultee F.C., Idu M.M., Betjes M.G., van Zuilen A.D., Christiaans M.H., Hilbrands L.H., de Vries A.P., Nurmohamed A.S., Berger S.P., Bemelman F.J.
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Van Ittersum F.J., Hemke A.C., Dekker F.W., Hilbrands L.B., Christiaans M.H., Roodnat J.I., Hoitsma A.J., Van Diepen M.
Increased risk of graft failure and mortality in Dutch recipients receiving an Expanded Criteria Donor kidney transplant
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Transplanting the elderly: Balancing aging with histocompatibility
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Hemke, A.C., Heemskerk, M.B., Van Diepen, M., Dekker, F.W. & Hoitsma, A.J.
Improved Mortality Prediction in Dialysis Patients Using Specific Clinical and Laboratory Data
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Met het oog op wachttijd
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Maak dilemma’s rond donatie bespreekbaar
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Jansen N.E., McDonald M., Haase-Kromwijk B.J.J.M., Sque M., Long-Sutehall T.
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Reglaze your glasses! – The unused potential of organ donors in times of high demand
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Survival prognosis after the start of a renal replacement therapy in the Netherlands: a retrospective cohort study
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Elements of the European jigsaw: the timing of the approach to bereaved families for consent to DBD or DCD donation and the implications for effective donation campaigns
Public Engagement in Organ Donation and Transplantation. Randhawa G, Schicktanz Silke. Pabst Science Publishers. ISBN:978-3-89967-821-5.

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Organ donation in the Netherlands: the shortage of donors and a new way to improve the donation rate
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Donatie voorbereiden zonder Donorregister mag
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‘In plain language’: uniform criteria for organ donor recognition (pdf)
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Wetswijziging legitimeert de huidige donatiepraktijk
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Hemke AC, Dekker FW, Bos WJW, Krediet RT, Heemskerk MBA, Hoitsma AJ
Oorzaken voor verminderd aandeel peritoneale dialyse als nierfunctievervangende behandeling in Nederland (login)
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Imprecise definitions of starting points in retrospectively reviewing potential organ donors causes confusion: call for a reproducible method like ‘imminent brain death’
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Jansen NE, van Leiden HA, Haase-Kromwijk BJ, van der Meer NJ, Kruijff EV, van der Lely N, van Zon H, Meinders AJ, Mosselman MJ, Hoitsma AJ
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